Last Sunday, we delivered Kate to Washington College on the eastern shore of Maryland, where she will spend the first three weeks of her seven weeks away from home at sleep away camp this summer. Just as we were getting ready to leave, I caught her on the floor with Izzy and Truman--the first evidence that maybe her insistence that she "...would NOT miss THOSE TWO!" might be all show. Sure enough, on her second day on campus at the Johns Hopkins' Center for Talented Youth math camp, she called home wanting to talk to her little brother and sister because she was missing them fiercely.
This year, with the CTY camp, Kate has the new experience of living in a college dorm with a roommate and being responsible for things like doing her own laundry. I wonder why we sometimes forget that she is just about to turn 11?! She is so often amazingly mature, but then the next moment, she is the little girl that she has so recently been. It's been tough for her to learn to be the big sister, since she was an only child just four short years ago, but she's grown into the role pretty well (despite the fact that the fact that they were all constantly telling us that everyone was touching them and leaning on them precipitated the recent purchase of our Mazda5 microvan!).
Anyway, we all miss her--especially Izzy who was sad that Kate could not come back last Thursday to come to her performance at the end of "Twinkle Toes" dance camp.
Here's a picture of Miss Iz running around on campus as we dropped Kate off for camp:

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